Platform Overview

Platform Cloud IDE

With Clarinet, you can quickly setup your Clarity project through the command line tool. This covers every stage of the development cycle from generating new contracts, an interactive REPL and validating contracts to deployment on a devnet, testnet or mainnet.

Install Clarinet

Run the following command in your terminal:

brew install clarinet
Additional Installation
For more installation options, check out our Installation Guide



  • Clarinet SDK: Enhance your testing capabilities with the Clarinet SDK, designed to simplify and expedite the testing process.
  • Hiro Platform: Accelerate your app development with our comprehensive hosted development experience.
  • Stacks.js: Utilize this JavaScript library for essential web app functions like user authentication, contract interactions, and transaction signing.

Need Help?

Encountering challenges while building with Clarinet? We're here to assist:

  • Discord: Join the conversation in the #clarinet channel under HIRO DEVELOPER TOOLS on Discord. This is where you'll find our community and team ready to support you.
  • Hiro Help Chatbot: For quick questions, our chatbot Hiro Help is available in the bottom right corner of your screen, ready to provide instant answers.
  • Private Consultation: Prefer a more personal touch? Schedule a call with us via Hiro Office Hours or send us an email for direct support.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest Hiro announcements and insights by subscribing to our newsletter.

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